A Shout Out to Spring

garden love

Spring’s been getting some bad press lately, what with all these severe thunderstorms, hailstorms, and tornados. I just want to say how much I love spring.

Every year, I am amazed to see plants poking up for another round. This year something feels different. Things are not just squeaking by, they are thriving. Not only in my yard, but in my home too. My pets, my children, me. It feels like there is a greenhouse dome around this place.


Other than my childhood home, this is the longest I have ever lived in a house.
I started off planting things in pots so I could move them with me, but this year I am settling in. I feel a renewed peace about staying here for a while, really owning and improving this place that is my little home for now.

Herbs from Jacquelyn 5.24.13

This morning I read something that really grabbed my heart because it captures this moment so perfectly, both physically and spiritually. Here is an excerpt of Psalm 85:

I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying,
for he speaks peace to his faithful people.
But let them not return to their foolish ways.
Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him,
so our land will be filled with his glory.
10 Unfailing love and truth have met together.
Righteousness and peace have kissed!
11 Truth springs up from the earth,
and righteousness smiles down from heaven.
12 Yes, the Lord pours down his blessings.
Our land will yield its bountiful harvest.
13 Righteousness goes as a herald before him,
preparing the way for his steps.

I hope you are feeling the excitement of this season too!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. darrylgirard
    Jun 01, 2013 @ 11:42:46

    “Truth springs up…” ties into Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world . . . so that men are without excuse.”


  2. crystal780205
    Jun 08, 2013 @ 21:19:26

    I love spring! Nice post!


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