I’m Not a Humbug – Revised!

This has been an interesting holiday season for me…

Before I knew Jesus, I only liked Christmas for the traditions, the presents, the gatherings, the lights. The last two Christmases, I have loved him and everything about this season. But this year, I’ve been really uncomfortable. I’ve been feeling like a humbug.

It’s the story of my life, that things other people revel in are generally not that pleasant for me. I usually have just enough knowledge to spoil the whole thing. In fact, (I’m sure my parents are nodding right now) it might be true to say that I actually look for things to ruin the moment. Sigh.

I came at (and originally published) this blog from a pretty low point. I was feeling sad and confused about the whole thing. This morning, I have a completely new perspective!

Yesterday I basically slammed churches for celebrating the birth of Christ in December. For celebrating a man-made holiday that was added to the Lord’s Holy Days. That was stupid and missed the point…there was no birth of Christ in 1450 BC when Moses wrote down the festivals. We cannot know the exact day Yeshua was born and, for now, I will be happy that for over 1600 years there are people around the globe that unite to truly worship him on a day in December.

What is really bothering me is that we have stopped teaching those other Holy Days and only focus on Christmas and Easter…and especially that we have (blindly or not) embraced the pagan and worldly aspects of them. Seriously, I don’t think there should be a Santa Clause in any church’s Christmas celebration. I don’t see anywhere in Christ’s teachings a willingness to compromise truth or conform to the world in order to bring people to him. It’s not necessary and, in fact, it’s really confusing!

I refuse to wallow in confusion and sadness, especially over the birth of my Savior!

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. 1 Corinthians 14:33

Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:10-14

Last weekend, my son was in a Christmas-themed variety show with a local theater. I was excited to see his performance, but actually dreaded sitting through the rest of the program. Oh wow. I very soon realized what a genuine, sincere expression of worship to the Lord it was, for a few of us anyway! While I wish we had the courage to celebrate his birth publically in every month and season, I am so thankful for the free reign and the freedom to worship him in this one. That is really such a gift!

It’s been an uncomfortable season for me this year, but I am learning to walk through it with grace and desperately trying to live righteously. I do hate the chaos we invite into our lives when we approach it from the wrong perspective, when we slip into the cycle of greed and expectation that surrounds us. I’m learning that with a little effort, we can step out of that stuff and really enjoy the season. No longer will I look for fault in hearts that are genuinely seeking to bring honor to him, including my own.

Finally, there is that peace and joy I knew he would deliver when I brought this to him. He is happy to hear our praise, gratitude, and adoration, no matter what day it is. Let’s remember his gift every day.

Our Finest Gifts We Bring


There are two shopping days before the year’s biggest event. My little family is celebrating on Christmas eve this year, and the last-minute panic has hit. Am I giving enough? Am I giving fairly and equally? Will the gifts I give make them feel known and loved? Did I forget anybody? Oooohhhhhh……

In the hustle and bustle of “The Season”, why is it so easy to overlook the most important person in my life? I have gifts under my tree for everyone else I will see in the next few days. What can I possibly give that is good enough for him?

I’m learning a lot about grace, one of his many gifts to me. I’m learning to rest in the truth that there is nothing I can do to be loved more, or less.

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:8-10

So what do you give the person who has, literally, everything? All I have he has given. He has already planned and prepared the way for the good things I am to do in this life. The greatest gift I can give is my honor, love, and thanksgiving as I walk into each of them.

This year, I really relate to the little drummer boy. Our gifts seem small and insignificant, but it is our hearts that make him smile. I want to play my best for him too.

Come they told me.
A new born King to see.
Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the King.

So to honor Him
When we come.

Little Baby,
I am a poor boy too.
I have no gift to bring
That’s fit to give the King.

Shall I play for you
On my drum?

Mary nodded.
The ox and lamb kept time.
I played my drum for Him.
I played my best for Him.

Then He smiled at me,
Me and my drum.

Merry Christmas!

The Life Within

Today, I am celebrating the birthday of my favorite person.

Jesus has asked me to think of Him in a number of ways – my Lord, my best friend, my husband, my Savior. I’ve heard lots of people refer to Him in these terms.

A few months ago, I asked Jesus what He would like to be for me that I had not yet allowed Him to be. I expected Him to reply with something strong, dominant, and powerful like “Your Father”, or “Your King”. So I was more than a little taken aback when I heard Him say, “Your child.”

There are certain things I deem appropriate, and this didn’t fit. In fact, it immediately smacked of sacrilege to me. The other roles I have placed Him in are always more powerful than me. I tried to help Him out..surely He meant to say He would like me to be HIS child. He repeatedly assured me I heard Him right, and this is what He showed me.

I had recently read the few verses in Luke about His childhood. When He was 12 years old, He went with His family to the temple to celebrate the Passover Feast. When the family caravan left to return home, He wasn’t with it. Three days later, He was found astonishing teachers in the the temple with His wisdom and understanding. Any parent can relate to the panic that Mary and Joseph must have felt during those three days, but Jesus seems to respond to their worry with true surprise. Surely they knew where He had to be…in His Father’s house! The next two verses broke my heart:

“But they did not understand the statement which He had made to them. And He went down with them…and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.” Luke 2:50-51

It is so human for us to misunderstand the ones we love the most. As a parent, I struggle to figure out the thoughts and motivations behind the actions of my children. It’s important to me to try to understand their uniqueness, their individuality, and what works best for each one. The Creator of All subjected Himself to the most humble situation – childhood! He was fully God – perfect, sinless, bearing all knowledge. He was also a child living with a human family.

Nobody knows me better than my Jesus. He knows that I see everyone around me in their childhood form – that is what makes me love them. My heart is easily broken for children. What He wanted me to see is that by loving Him only in His superior forms, I am unintentionally keeping Him at a distance. He wants me to love Him with the whole, ferocious, to-my-heart kind of love that I found when I had my children.

My pastor made an analogy today of all Christians to Mary, the blessed woman who conceived, carried, and delivered Jesus to the world. We are carrying Him inside us. We have the opportunity to deliver Him everywhere we go. Thinking of Him this way, as a precious life growing within us, helps explain why we feel a little more cautious about where we go and what we take in to our bodies. Knowing Him as my own child has helped me love Him in a more tender and compassionate way. Learning to love Him fully is teaching me to accept…and GIVE…right love. He is our “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), and He is also our perfect Lamb.

Blessings to all this Christmas!!